Thursday, August 7, 2008

What Is FHE?

I think that most of our regular readers know what FHE (Family Home Evening) is, but for those of you who don't, this post is for you. defines FHE as this, "[LDS] Church leaders have instructed members to set aside Monday night as "family home evening." This is a time for families to study the gospel together and to do other activities that strengthen the family spiritually, create family memories, and increase unity and love....A suggested outline for family home evening follows: opening song, opening prayer, scripture reading, lesson, activity, closing song, closing prayer, refreshments."

Monday night is the designated night, but any set night can work for your family. And FHE doesn't need to be gospel related if you are not religious. It is an opportunity to teach your children your family values and other important things (money, fire evacuation plan, stranger danger, etc.) It is an opportunity to grow closer as a family. As your have FHE regularly in your home, your family will become more united. It can be hard, but well worth the effort.

We are always looking for good FHE ideas here. Please email us with any ideas you may have.

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