Thursday, September 11, 2008

Storing Kids Papers

OK, so here is a problem all parents have: What papers from school do we save and how do we save them? This is a solution I heard on a Manic Mommies podcast. A person called in the idea. Unfortunately I didn't catch the lady's name, so I can't give her credit. I'm sorry about that, but she had a brilliant idea. She buys on of those large accordion file folders. (Mine actually has 13 slots which is perfect) Each slot is for a year in school. Whatever you decide to keep has to fit in the slot. It will help you get rid of a lot of paperwork and pick the most important to save.

Another idea I heard a long time ago (I can't recall where) involves how to save you child's art. You can make a small scrapbook to save your child's favorite art, but if you have a hard time throwing away any of their art, scan in onto your computer. Then you can save a jpg file of the art. Save it on a disk, and you will have it forever.

Anyone else have any ideas?

1 comment:

bxmama said...

My daughter just started Kindergarten & it seems the papers have doubled so this is just the ideas I was looking for. Thanks!