The count down starts on December first. You light the candle and let it burn down to the first dot. Be warned, I have been told it takes longer to burn down to each dot than you think it will. So don't think it will be a quick 2 minute activity right before bed.
As you let your candle burn, you read about Christ. I have a paper that has 24 different events in Christ's life, the scripture reference of each event, and what we learn from the event.
Example: Day 1-Raising the daughter of Jairus- Luke 8:41-56- Jesus Christ was compassionate
Day 12-Was baptized- Matthew 3:13-17- Jesus Christ was obedient to God's law
If anyone would life a copy of all the day's let me know. I will send you copy. You could also come up with your own tradition with the candle, such as ready a children's Christmas book every night or talking about Christmas memories.
I would love a copy of what you have.
I'd love a copy as well.
Thanks for all your great ideas!
Wonderful idea for the holiday season. I would love you to send me a copy.. Thanks a bunch!!!
I would like a copy too!
I love to have a copy of this list, Thanks for the great ideas,
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