This Christmas candle was a project we did for Super Saturday at my church. It is way easy, cheap, and I thought it would be a good family tradition. All you need is a candle, candle holder, and puff paint (or something similar). We got all of our supplies from Walmart. You place 24 dots of paint on the candle. Make sure you figure out how much of the candle is in the candle holder. You don't want to place any of your dots too low.
The count down starts on December first. You light the candle and let it burn down to the first dot. Be warned, I have been told it takes longer to burn down to each dot than you think it will. So don't think it will be a quick 2 minute activity right before bed.
As you let your candle burn, you read about Christ. I have a paper that has 24 different events in Christ's life, the scripture reference of each event, and what we learn from the event.
Example: Day 1-Raising the daughter of Jairus- Luke 8:41-56- Jesus Christ was compassionate
Day 12-Was baptized- Matthew 3:13-17- Jesus Christ was obedient to God's law
If anyone would life a copy of all the day's let me know. I will send you copy. You could also come up with your own tradition with the candle, such as ready a children's Christmas book every night or talking about Christmas memories.