As kids we used to play this game all the time for FHE. It is a silly game, but we loved it. For those of you who do not know how to play, these are the rules:
1. You send one person out of the room.
2. The remaining people pick one number to be "Pete."
3. You then place M&Ms on all the numbers. (Cheerios if you want to be a bit more healthy)
4. The person who left the room now returns.
5. That person then proceeds to eat the M&Ms off the game borad.
6. The purpose of the game is to see how many M&Ms you can eat before you try and eat "Pete." When the person picks up the M&M on Pete's number, you all yell "Don't eat Pete!" And the person's turn is over.
I know it's not the typical type of game, but kids love it. Especially young kids because they don't have to remember many rules but they still have fun.
Note: If you want a PDF file of the game board, email me at fun4mommies@gmail.com. Let me know if you want the 25 or 100 card (Or both). But, a board isn't hard to make either.