"The kids have been taking piano lessons for about a month and their teacher has the most organized home I have ever seen. There is a place for everything and everything is in its place.

When we were there this afternoon she let me snap a few photos. I have to pace myself since I'm posting photos for thirty days but there are more to come.

I thought some of you might be interested in the lists she keeps on her fridge in case you want to make your own."

Some great ideas. Not only can you get organized in your family with these ideas, but it can save you time. Once your kids know the rules, they can know what to expect when they do not follow them. The schedule also help you save time. It's a good habit to teach your children at a young age. My husband is excellent at this. Hopefully Baby D learns from him.
You can use this idea as an FHE lesson. Teach the importance of obedience and rules. Have a little family council to discuss what rules you should have in you family and what the consequences are for breaking the rules. Children are much more likely to obey if they have a say in what is going on.
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