Saturday, June 21, 2008

All Work And No Play...

I'm not lucky enough to be a stay at home mom. Because of this, what little time I do have at home is so much more important. I have a hard time balancing the house work I need to get done with spending time with Baby D. D is still an infant, so it makes it a little easier. He's just happy when I talk to him while I fold laundry. But I came across a great idea to help moms manage time between work and play.

The author of has a post about how she deals with her toddler. She sets a timer (she uses 12 minutes but any amount of time would work. I would suggest short times for younger children.) She plays with her daughter till the timer goes off. Then she sets the timer again and works for the next 12 minutes. Often times her daughter helps with the work. When the timer goes off, they start the cycle over again. They break for lunch and such. She said she gets a lot done during the day, but feels like she has had quality time with her daughter.

What a great way to teach your children the importance of balance in life and the importance of work. Also, by organizing your day, you are a lot less stressed.

Please email us with any ideas on how you organize your day with your children. The struggle between play and house work, I feel, is a universal one. We would love to hear you ideas!

1 comment:

Sheena said...

What a great idea. Thanks for sharing all your fun finds. I check your blog daily. I love all your ideas!! Thanks