I was reading a
post on
thesavvyorganizer.com. The author was talking about a birthday tradition she has with her kids. She never let her kids go to school on their birthday. She spent the whole day with them. I think it is a great way to make their day special, but this is not feasible for everyone (I work), so I tried to think of other birthday traditions that would be fun. I thought of a couple I have heard others say they had.
1. Have a special Birthday Plate. The example I saw was a bright red one. The birthday kid gets to use the special plate. (You can also make it a Celebration Plate. Whenever someone has a special thing to celebrate, such as a good grade, winning a ball game, getting a merit badge, etc, they get to use the special plate. It makes the kids feel special)
2. Decorate their bedroom while they are sleeping. What fun it would be too look forward to a fun room when you wake up in the morning.
3. Birthday kids always got to pick what we had for dinner when I was growing up.
4. Make opening presents into a treasure hunt. Use clues to lead them around until they find the gifts.
The point of these traditions in to make the child feel special and teach them that they are of value. Also, when the sibling know they will have their own turn on their birthday, it give them a chance to help their brother or sister feel special and the celebrate with them.
Please share any birthday traditions with us. Or any traditions at all. Post them as a comment or email us and we will post them on the blog. We would love to hear from you.