Friday, February 29, 2008

Time Saver

A lady I visit teach told me this trick. She said there was many a night she was able to get back to bed quicker because of it. The down side is you need to own or purchase 3 waterproof mattress pads. How it works is you make the bed (or crib) in this order: waterproof pad, sheet, waterproof pad, sheet, waterproof pad, sheet. This way, if there is night time accident, all you have to do is pull off the top sheet and waterproof pad, and you are good to go. Instead of having to find a clean sheet and pad and make the whole bed. She said it works great for babies who spit up a lot, kids who still have occasional bed wetting, or a sick child who you think could possible throw up in the middle of the night. If anyone has tried this trick, I would be interested in knowing how well it worked out.

1 comment:

Mo said...

Good idea! It is always a huge disturbance to the whole house when you have to strip down the bed and go looking for more kids have been known to sleep just on towels in such situations. ;)