Sunday, March 30, 2008

Family Reading

If your child is old enough to read, take turns reading to one another. If your child is not old enough, then set time aside to read to your child.

If the child is reading a book for school, read the book yourself and discuss during your family meals.

Form a family bookclub. Choose a book that you and your child would enjoy reading and invite other families to do the same. You can then organize get together to discuss the book!

You and your children have common interests? Then pick a book on the topic and just read.

1 comment:

Raich said...

This summer my son (8 yrs old) and I are going to try a book and movie club with some other kids. We're going to pick 4 books that have also had a movie made. Black Beauty, Shiloh, some other classics... We'll see how it goes